IEOMFS Procedure Icons Implant Retained Overdenture

Dentures are a popular option to restore your bite and smile when your teeth are missing. However, dentures tend to become ill-fitting and uncomfortable over time. Implant-retained overdentures clip or snap onto dental implants in your jaw to ensure a secure fit while remaining removable for easier cleaning.

What Are Implant-Retained Overdentures?

Like traditional complete dentures, implant-retained overdentures can replace all your missing teeth. However, instead of just sitting on top of the gums, your oral surgeon attaches the dentures to dental implants, providing a more secure fit.

What Are the Advantages of Implant-Retained Overdentures?

The primary advantage of implant-retained overdentures is replacing all the missing teeth in a dental arch. While traditional dentures often result in bone deterioration and loss, the jawbone receives the necessary stimulation to retain its integrity with implants. This is especially helpful for the lower denture, since it typically has retention issues due to the tongue and lack of bone.

In addition, implant-retained overdentures better mimic your natural teeth, as they are secure even while speaking and chewing. Their structure allows you to comfortably chew various foods while protecting your bite and jaw.

Hygiene is greatly improved (compared to permanent options) since you can remove the denture to clean it thoroughly.

How Many Implants Do Implant-Retained Overdentures Need?

Several factors determine the number of implants necessary for removable implant retained dentures. First, as the bone of the lower jaw is denser than the upper jaw, it requires fewer implants to sufficiently support the denture.

Typically, lower jaw overdentures require two to four implants. In contrast, the upper jaw requires four implants or more to support the complete upper arch denture.

Additionally, if your opposing arch consists of natural teeth, the implant-retained arch will require more implants, as the natural teeth have a stronger bite force. Lastly, patients who habitually clench or grind their teeth may require more implants.

How to Care for Implant-Retained Overdentures

Removable dentures should not be worn at night and can become irritated or infected when they do not receive regular, thorough cleanings. They should be in water or a denture-soaking solution when not in use to keep them from drying out.

Additionally, you must brush your implants and abutments twice daily and maintain regular professional cleanings and implant maintenance.

Restore Your Smile with Implant-Retained Overdentures

Installing implant-retained overdentures requires the skill of a highly trained specialist at Inland Empire Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeons. Through innovative technology, medical distinction, and exceptional patient care, we provide our patients with a best-in-class experience.

Learn more about our dental implants’ comfort, stability, and convenience when you choose implant-retained overdentures or the All-on-4® treatment concept.